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How to plan your career as a PhD student

uddannelse ph.d.
Undervisningssprog English
national_online kurset vises ikke på den nationale database
vært Roskilde Doctoral Schools
Kursus starter 16-01-2014
Kursus slutter 16-01-2014

ECTS: The career seminar does not yield ECTS points



Language: English

Registration: PhD students must register no later than 13 January 2014 by sending an email to Ditte Krofa (drr(at)ruc.dk)

ECTS: The career seminar does not yield ECTS points

Program for the career seminar

16 January 2014 in building 01, theory room 01 (close to the canteen)

08:45 – 09:00 Breakfast and coffee

09:00 – 09:05 Welcome (by Ditte Krofa, Roskilde Doctoral Schools, RUC)

09:05 – 10:05 Career paths within and outside the University (Finn Dahlslund and Nina Hallgren), Career Consultant, Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (DM))

10:05 - 10:20 Break

10:20 - 10:35 Workshop introduction - Why and how will we work with career planning (By Louise Jørgensen, Study and Career Service, RUC)

10:35 - 12:00 Part one: Competencies assessment Introduction of tools to initiate a personal competencies assessment. Practical exercises individually and in groups. (By Louise Jørgensen, Study and Career Service, RUC)

12:00 - 12:45 Lunch

12:45 - 14:00 Part two: Career planning for PhD's Guide on how to develop and pursue a plan of action for your career plan. First step to make your career plan: Reflect on career possibilities and paths. Introduction and exercises in groups on how to make an action plan. (By Louise Jørgensen, Study and Career Service, RUC)

14:00 - 14:15 Break

14:15 - 15:15 Part three: Career plan in action Step two in your career plan: prioritize development goals and actions Step three in your career plan: how to ensure the realization of the plan (By Louise Jørgensen, Study and Career Service, RUC)

15:15 - 15:30 What are the key points of today? (By Louise Jørgensen, Study and Career Service, RUC)

15:30 Thank you for today! (By Louise Jørgensen and Ditte Krofa, RUC)

Breakfast, coffee/tea, beverages and lunch will be served during the day

Ansvarlig Ditte Rytter Krofa (drr@ruc.dk )
Underviser Ditte Rytter Krofa (drr@ruc.dk )