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Gender, Power, and Identity – in a local and global perspective

Please refer to the course website: http://www.fak.samf.aau.dk/phd-skole/phd-kurser/phd-kursus/gender--power--and-identity---in-a-local-and-global-perspective.cid319664

uddannelse ph.d.
Hjemmeside www.fak.samf.aau.dk/phd-skole/phd-kurser/phd-kursus/gender--power--and-identity---in-a-local-and-global-perspective.cid319664
Undervisningssprog English
national_online kurset vises ikke på den nationale database
vært Ph.d.-skolen for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv

Deadline for registration: 2 October, 2017. If you want to submit a paper abstract must be included in the registration (max 300 words). to Anne Brauner Mikkelsen abm@socsci.aau.dk

Deadline for submitting a paper: 6 November to Anne Brauner Mikkelsen abm@socsci.aau.dk

Final programme and list of participants will be available 1 November together with a reading list.

Papers will be available 9 November

Please notice that there is a maximum 15 participants.

Further information about the course can be directed to: Professor Ann-Dorte Christensen, adc@socsi.aau.dk or Professor Hanne Marlene Dahl, hmdahl@ruc.dk For practical information please contract PhD-secretary Anne Brauner Mikkelsen, abm@socsci.aau.dk

Kursus starter 22-11-2017
Kursus slutter 24-11-2017
Ekstern underviser


  • Jeff Hearn, Senior Professor in Gender Studies at the School of Humanities, Education & Social Science at Örebro University (Sweden)

  • Birgit Sauer, Professor of Political Science, University of Vienna (Austria)

Eksterne samarbejdspartnere

Department of Sociology and Social Work Aalborg University.

The PhD course is held in collaboration between the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, AAU and The Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Business, RUC.

Deltagelseskrav for opnåelse af ECTS
  • 3 ECTS for participating in the course

  • 5 ECTS for participation with a written paper


Most PhD students within gender studies struggle with issues of gender, power and identity. On the one hand these concepts are often taken for granted and on the other hand they are highly contested. In this course these key concepts and their conceptual history will be presented and critically discussed in relation to current societal development. The PhD course will have two main perspectives:

The first perspective concerns the question of gendered power relations seen in a globalized and transnational perspective. Power has always been a key issue in gender and masculinity research and several theories have contributed to understanding the complexity of power both at an overall structural level and at the micro level in gendered social interactions (for instance the theory of patriarchy and the theory of hegemonic masculinity). However in the context of globalization there are new questions to be discussed: Can we speak of a transnational gender system? And if so, what are its characteristics? How are gendered transnational power relations working in relations to e.g. migration, violence and militarism, global business, and mobilization in civil society? In relation to this perspective the question of transnational identities and memories will be discussed both theoretically and in relation to empirical analysis.

The second perspective is about one of the forces shaping gender relations at various levels, namely neo-liberalism (New Public Management) and the regulation of affect. This is not just a question of who is regulating and their gender. Rather gender and power are also reproduced through old and new forms of regulation which moves beyond the nation state container including various levels of governance and transnational discourses. That’s why we also want to discuss the regulation, its gendered aspects in the perspective of a new concept of affective governmentality and in relation to an analytical tool often forgotten within gender research, namely silences. How are silencing symptoms or signs of gender and dominance, i.e. lost struggles?

Maksimum antal deltagere
Ansvarlig Hanne Marlene Dahl (hmdahl@ruc.dk )