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Elective course: Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data

Elective course: Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data
Master programme in
Communication Studies * / Communication Studies / Media and Communication
Type of activity


Teaching language
Study regulation

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk


Registration is through stads selvbetjeningwithin the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When registering for study activities, please be aware of the potential conflicts between study activities or exam dates. The planning of activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Number of participants
Responsible for the activity
David Mathieu (mathieu@ruc.dk)
Head of study
Chris Peters (cpeters@ruc.dk)
Study administration
IKH Studieadministration (ikh-studieadministration@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective

The course contains presentation and critical discussion as well as testing knowledge of a defined media and communication subject area/field of activity, including presentation and discussion of current concepts, theories, and research methods, possibly in collaboration with practitioners within the field.

Detailed description of content

This course is about the science, practice and politics of audience measure-ment and analysis. Audience data analysis is increasingly a needed skill for communication professionals, and the demands have become increasingly complex. The goal of the course is to help students navigate the diverse methods, tools and techniques available for collecting, analyzing and evaluat-ing audience data (offline and online, qualitative and quantitative) while maintaining a critical understanding of these analytical practices.

The course introduces students to the methods, tools and techniques used in the industry and academia to perform audience measurement and analy-sis. There is therefore a practical dimension to the course which will see students working with audience data, especially with regards to the digital footprints left by audiences in their use of digital media and the harvesting of data on web platforms. One of the main objectives of the course is to help students experiment and work creatively with data as a way to produce in-sights about audiences.

Throughout the course is maintained a critical understanding of audience measurement. The goal is to be able to relate critically to the science, prac-tice and politics of audience measurement and place these in a larger con-text of academic, societal and ethical debates. These will include discussions of the validity of audience measurement and analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, being aware of the different interests at stake in audience measurement, as well as ethical considerations such as privacy invasion, surveillance and consent.

The course covers topics such as ratings, segmentation, target group analysis, interpretative and qualitative approaches, social media analytics and big data. It will involve a mix of lectures and workshop exercises that will allow students to relate and try their hands at different aspects of audience meas-urements.

The course relates to the communicative and media-related aspects of audi-ence measurement, and not the technical aspects such as programming or statistical analysis. No pre-requisite knowledge of these is required to partic-ipate and benefit from the course. We will work with relatively simple tools and will get help to assist with technical aspects of using softwares. We will have our focus on how these tools help us understand communication and provide insights about audiences.

Course material and Reading list
Overall plan and expected work effort

The total study effort for the student (ECTS points converted into hours) = 270 hours. The hours are divided as follows:

  • Course teaching: 48 hours
  • Preparation: 120 hours
  • Exam: 80 hours
  • Other activities: 22 hours (semester start, literature search, etc.

In principle, teaching activities take place on campus. The teaching can be arranged so that one or more activities take place elsewhere than at Roskilde University. This can also be online.

Evaluation and feedback

Evaluation will be based on the evaluation practice of the study board.

Overall learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student is able to:

  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a defined subject area/field of activity within media and communication, including nuanced knowledge of common production and project work methods in relation to the subject area.

  • Identify and account for current theories of relevance to the subject area/field of activity, including understanding of significant communication professional issues.

  • Develop, organize and present a specific communication production or project relevant to the subject area/field of activity.

  • Independently and reflectively translate theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches into a concrete communication professional practice.

  • Independently take responsibility for one's own professional development.

Form of examination
Individual portfolio exam

The character limit of the portfolio is 24,000-48,000 characters, including spaces. Examples of written products are exercise responses, talking points for presentations, written feedback, reflections, written assignments. The preparation of the products may be subject to time limits.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The portfolio is written completely or partially during the course.

The entire portfolio must be handed in at the same time (uploaded to eksamen.ruc.dk). Handing in the portfolio or parts of the portfolio to the supervisor for feedback, cannot replace the upload to eksamen.ruc.dk.

Assessment: Pass/Fail.
Form of Re-examination
Individual portfolio exam

The character limit of the portfolio is 24,000-48,000 characters, including spaces. Examples of written products are exercise responses, talking points for presentations, written feedback, reflections, written assignments. The preparation of the products may be subject to time limits.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The portfolio is written after the course has ended.

The entire portfolio must be handed in at the same time (uploaded to eksamen.ruc.dk). Handing in the portfolio or parts of the portfolio to the supervisor for feedback, cannot replace the upload to eksamen.ruc.dk.

Assessment: Pass/Fail.
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

Prøven er en individuel portfolio. Portfolien sammensættes af øvelser, som den studerende har lavet i forbindelse med kursusforløbet.

Portfolien skal opfylde alle formelle krav og i bedømmelsen lægges der vægt på i hvor høj grad den studerende

  • demonstrerer dybdegående viden om valgkursets emneområde/virkefelt, herunder nuanceret kendskab til gængse praksisformer
  • viser evnen til at identificere og anvende aktuelle teorier og metoder af relevans for emneområdet/virkefeltet, herunder forståelse for væsentlige kommunikationsfaglige begreber
  • reflekteret kan omsætte teoretiske perspektiver og metodiske tilgange til en konkret kommunikationsfaglig praksis
  • kan udvikle, tilrettelægge og præsentere konkrete kommunikationsproduktioner eller -projekter med relevans for området og med brug af adækvate kommunikations- og formidlingsformer
Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60142
Last changed 01/06/2022

lecture list:

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Wednesday 14-09-2022 08:15 - 14-09-2022 12:00 in week 37
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 21-09-2022 08:15 - 21-09-2022 12:00 in week 38
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 28-09-2022 08:15 - 28-09-2022 12:00 in week 39
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 05-10-2022 08:15 - 05-10-2022 12:00 in week 40
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 12-10-2022 08:15 - 12-10-2022 12:00 in week 41
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 26-10-2022 08:15 - 26-10-2022 12:00 in week 43
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 02-11-2022 08:15 - 02-11-2022 12:00 in week 44
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 09-11-2022 08:15 - 09-11-2022 12:00 in week 45
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 16-11-2022 08:15 - 16-11-2022 12:00 in week 46
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 30-11-2022 08:15 - 30-11-2022 12:00 in week 48
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 07-12-2022 08:15 - 07-12-2022 12:00 in week 49
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Wednesday 14-12-2022 08:15 - 14-12-2022 12:00 in week 50
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data (KOMM)

Tuesday 03-01-2023 10:00 - 03-01-2023 10:00 in week 01
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data - Exam (KOMM)

Monday 13-02-2023 10:00 - 13-02-2023 10:00 in week 07
Audience, target group and data analysis: from segmentation to big data - Reexam (KOMM)