Her kan du finde informationer om semesteraktiviteter, såsom studiestart, kurser og projekter
> Enheden for Akademisk Efteruddannelse
EAE 2025 - Design and management of PhD projects
EAE 2025 - Design and management of research projects
EAE 2025.01.09 - Build your personal library with Zotero
EAE 2025.01.14 - Oplysning, debat og netværk: Forskeres brug af sociale medier
EAE 2025.01.14 - Qualitative data analysis with NVivo
EAE 2025.01.21 - Systematic literature search
EAE 2025.01.28 - Literature reviews
EAE 2025.01.31 - AI in literature search
EAE 2025.02.25 - Experimenting hands-on with generative AI tools and prompting
EAE 2025.03.19 - Getting ready for submission of the PhD dissertation – screening and avoiding plagiarism
EAE 2025.03.19 - Research Dissemination Course - Workshop 2: Scientific argumentation: How to convince academic peers across disciplines?
EAE 2025.03.26 - Academic visibility and impact
EAE 2025.04.01 - Krop og stemme i mundtlig formidling
EAE 2025.04.07 - Build your personal library with Zotero
EAE 2025.04.07 - Writing Retreat for researchers
EAE 2025.04.23 - Research ethics and responsible conduct of research
EAE 2025.04.24 - Research data management and the FAIR principles in Open Science
EAE 2025.04.24 - Research Dissemination Course - Workshop 3: How to present your research orally
EAE 2025.04.24 - Systematic literature search
EAE 2025.05.02 - Literature reviews
EAE 2025.05.08 - Qualitative data analysis with NVivo
EAE 2025.05.15 - AI in literature search
EAE 2025.05.19 - Getting ready for submission of the PhD dissertation, screening and avoiding plagiarism - online
EAE 2025.08.20 - Medietræning: TV og radio